We perform tablet, smartphone, laptop or hard drive acquisition with help of EnCase Software, the industry-standard computer investigation solution.
Nearly every digital investigation presents unique and complicated challenges. EnCase Software is a powerful tool used to deliver faster and more efficient outcomes, regardless of the type of investigation.
We have an EnCase certified technician on staff to assist investigators, information security, and IT professionals with search for evidence on smartphones, tablets and laptops and identify relevant files located in compressed files, renamed compressed files, attachments in e-mail, or deleted files.
EnCase® is for forensic practitioners who need to conduct efficient, forensically sound data collection and investigations using a repeatable and defensible process. The proven, powerful, and trusted EnCase® Forensic solution, lets examiners acquire data from a wide variety of devices, unearth potential evidence with disk level forensic analysis, and craft comprehensive reports on their findings, all while maintaining the integrity of their evidence.
Our EnCase trained staff can assist our clients:
to review and categorize hundreds or thousands of files in a reasonable process
provide data to a reviewer or third party for categorization or comment
deliver consistent, repeatable reports to the case stakeholders